5 tips for Working Mindfully

Support your employees at the office and those working from home by helping them to cope with stress and introduce mindfulness into their workday.

Almost nine in every ten Germans experience stress at work.
In Berlin, every second employee feels they are at risk of burn-out. More than half of all employees suffer from occasional back pain, persistent exhaustion, inner tension, listlessness or sleep disorders. And now work from home is adding new challenges to the mix.

For example, a LinkedIN study shows that more than 80 percent of Germans working from home say that they are working more than usual – around 30 percent even say they work for four or more hours every single day. And every fifth worker feels that they are under more pressure to perform and meet deadlines than ever before. One quarter of those surveyed even said media consumption while working from home is affecting their concentration. But how can we combat these developments and help employees achieve a state of calm and well-being at work?

In this guide, we provide 5 tips that help you to practice mindfulness at work. They will help you to get into ‘relaxation mode’ more often, and let unhelpful thoughts and feelings pass you by.