Frau, die von ihrem Computer aus mit den Füßen in einem Pool arbeitet

The Rise of New Work: How 4-Day Work-Weeks, Remote Work, and Digital Nomadism are Changing the Way We Work


For many years, office jobs and the standard 9 to 5 workday have been the norm. Yet, in recent years, there has been an increasing trend toward more flexible employment arrangements. This has been influenced by changes in perspectives regarding work-life balance and the advantages of flexibility, as well as technological advancements that make it simpler for people to work from anywhere.

The new work models

The idea behind a 4-day work-week is that employees can be more effective, happier, and have a better work-life balance by working fewer hours. This concept has already been used by some businesses, and a recent Oxford study that highlighted its numerous advantages generated a lot of noise.

Working remotely entails doing it from a place other than an office setting. This can be done from your house, a coworking space, or any other place where you have access to the internet.

Digital nomads can operate from any location in the world and frequently switch residences every few months or even weeks. In recent years, this way of life has gained popularity, especially among millennials and Generation Z.

Traditional organizational structures are being challenged by these new working methods, which also present new opportunities for both you and your employees. They may have their own special issues, but they also have the ability to boost output, enhance job satisfaction, and improve work-life balance.

Let’s talk numbers

Increased Productivity

A study by Ergotron found that remote workers are 40% more productive than their office-based counterparts.

And, according to a survey by the Society for Human Resource Management, 77% of HR professionals said that flexible work arrangements have a positive impact on employee productivity.

Improved Work-Life Balance

A survey by Owl Labs found that remote workers report higher levels of work-life balance compared to office-based workers.

According to a study by Perpetual Guardian, a New Zealand-based financial services firm that implemented a 4-day workweek, employees reported a 24% improvement in work-life balance.

Increased Flexibility

According to a survey by Buffer, 99% of remote workers said they would like to continue working remotely at least some of the time for the rest of their careers.

A report by MBO Partners found that there are currently 7.3 million digital nomads worldwide, and this number is expected to grow to 1 billion by 2035.

Generally, these new working arrangements have several advantages, such as higher productivity, better work-life balance, and more flexibility.

A closer look at the 4-day work-week

The 4-day work-week is intended to give workers more time off, a better work-life balance, and higher productivity while they are at work.

What’s the difference from the traditional work model?

In order to make up for the missed day, employees often put in long hours. For instance, a standard 4-day work-week may entail working 10-hour days.

It has been demonstrated that the 4-day work-week increases employee creativity, productivity, work-life balance, and level of job satisfaction. Employees are frequently more engaged when they return to work since they had a long weekend and more time to relax.

The 4-day work-week gives a different perspective on productivity and marks a shift from the conventional working hours. While it might not be appropriate for all businesses or sectors, it has been proven to function well in some circumstances and can offer substantial advantages.

The Benefits of a 4-day work-week

Frau, die ihre Pflanzen zu Hause gießt

Increased Productivity

According to a survey by Henley Business School, 64% of UK businesses reported increased productivity after implementing a 4-day work-week.

A study by the University of Auckland found that employees at a New Zealand-based financial services firm that implemented a 4-day work-week reported a 20% increase in productivity.

Reduced Burnout

A study by Kronos Incorporated found that employees who work a 4-day work-week reported lower levels of burnout, stress, and absenteeism compared to those who work a traditional 5-day work-week.

In the same study, 77% of employees who work a 4-day work-week reported feeling more engaged with their work.

Improved Employee Morale

According to a survey by Owl Labs, people who work a 4-day work-week report higher levels of job satisfaction compared to office-based workers.

A report by the International Labour Organization found that reducing working hours can lead to improved employee morale and well-being.

Your employees can lessen burnout, enhance their well-being, and experience greater job engagement by working fewer hours and allowing for more vacation time. A more flexible work environment can also help you recruit and keep top personnel while boosting productivity and decreasing absenteeism.

The concerns about the 4-day work-week

Frau, die vor ihrem Computer arbeitet und dabei einen Kaffee trinkt

Reduced Output

One worry is that cutting back on hours would result in lower output. But, research has shown that when workers put in fewer hours, productivity can actually rise. This is due to the fact that workers who have shorter work-weeks are frequently more motivated and concentrated.

Difficulty in Coordinating Schedules

Another concern is that a 4-day work-week would make it harder to coordinate schedules with stakeholders, clients, and customers. By establishing precise expectations and limitations on working hours and communication, this problem can be solved. To guarantee that someone is available during regular business hours, businesses might also implement flexible scheduling methods or staggered work schedules.

Potential for Reduced Income

Whether they are paid hourly or if their salary is prorated, some employees may be concerned that a 4-day work-week may result in a decrease in income. Companies can, however, change remuneration to prevent financial penalties for workers. This can entail raising hourly pay, providing incentives or bonuses, or offering other advantages to make up for the hours cut.

These worries are real, but many of them can be resolved with good planning and communication. You may develop a workplace culture that supports employee productivity and well-being while meeting your company’s goals by concentrating on the possible benefits.

A closer look at remote work

Remote work allows your employees to work anywhere, like their home, a coffee shop, a coworking space, etc, wherever an internet connection is.

How does it differ from the traditional working environment?

The work schedule and location flexibility of remote employees are wider. They frequently have the flexibility to work when and where it is more convenient for them.

For both you and your workers, working remotely can result in cost savings. The costs of transportation, business dress, and other expenses related to working in an office are not incurred by remote workers. You can also save money on electricity, furniture, and office space.

It has been demonstrated that working remotely boosts output and job satisfaction. Remote workers frequently find that they can concentrate better on their work because they don’t have to deal with long commutes and other office-related distractions. Furthermore, remote employment promotes a better work-life balance, which can enhance job satisfaction.

Ultimately, remote work offers a fresh perspective on the workplace and has several advantages. It has also been proven to be successful in a variety of circumstances and can offer important benefits to people who value productivity, flexibility, and work-life balance.

The advantages of remote working

Increased Productivity

A study by Stanford University found that remote workers are 13% more productive than their office-based counterparts.

According to a survey by TINYpulse, remote workers report higher levels of job satisfaction and engagement.

Reduced Overhead Costs

According to a report by Global Workplace Analytics, employers can save an average of $11,000 per year for each remote worker due to reduced overhead costs.

A study by FlexJobs found that 65% of employers reported cost savings as a result of allowing employees to work remotely.

Ability to Attract and Retain Talent

According to a survey by Buffer, 99% of remote workers said they would like to continue working remotely at least some of the time for the rest of their careers.

A report by Owl Labs found that remote work can help companies attract and retain top talent, with 82% of remote workers saying that they are more likely to stay with their employer if they have the option to work remotely.

Ultimately, remote work has the potential to benefit all parties involved by boosting productivity, lowering overhead expenses, and enabling businesses to recruit and retain great personnel from anywhere in the world.

The concerns about remote work

Frau, die vor dem Computer nachdenkt, während sie von zu Hause aus arbeitet

Reduced Collaboration and Communication

One worry is that team members’ ability to collaborate and communicate with one another may suffer as a result of distant work. Yet, this can be solved by utilizing technological tools that promote teamwork and communication.

Lack of Accountability

Those who work remotely might not be as accountable or as productive as those who work in an office. However, this can be overcome by establishing clear expectations and objectives for remote workers and by grading output rather than labor hours. Furthermore, routine check-ins with your remote employees help verify that they are staying on task and accomplishing their objectives.

Difficulty Building Relationships

Another potential issue is that remote workers could find it difficult to form relationships with their coworkers and might experience feelings of loneliness. Virtual face-to-face encounters can be facilitated with the use of video conferencing and other communication methods. Another excellent technique to involve everyone in your business is through Humanoo. You can ensure that all of your employees are competing in teams or working toward the same objective by using our challenges.

Careful preparation, communication, and the use of the appropriate tools can all help to alleviate many of the challenges that come with working remotely. Companies can develop a work environment that supports employees’ productivity and well-being while reaching their business goals by concentrating on the possible benefits.

A closer look at digital nomadism

digitaler Nomade, der vom Ausland aus vor einer Hängematte arbeitet

A digital nomad uses technology to work remotely from any location in the world, frequently while traveling to new places on a regular basis. Remote work is distinct from digital nomadism in a number of ways. Digital nomadism entails continually traveling and working from a number of locations across the world, whereas remote work often involves working from a fixed location outside of a regular office environment. Digital nomads frequently work while traveling, in coffee shops, co-working facilities, or other isolated places.

While working remotely when pursuing one’s particular hobbies and passions may present some special difficulties for digital nomads, such as finding dependable Wi-Fi and striking a work-life balance, this lifestyle has several advantages.

Ultimately, for people who value freedom, flexibility, and travel, digital nomadism offers an unusual and unconventional method of working that is growing in popularity. Although it might not be appropriate for all people or professions, it offers a fresh perspective on work and can have a lot of advantages for those who are prepared to adopt it.

The benefits of Digital nomadism

Ability to Hire from Anywhere in the World

According to a survey by MBO Partners, 62% of digital nomads said that they have the ability to work from anywhere in the world.

A report by FlexJobs found that the number of remote job postings increased by 159% from 2005 to 2017, indicating a growing trend towards remote work and digital nomadism.

Increased Cultural Awareness

According to a report by Workfrom, digital nomads reported increased cultural awareness and understanding as a result of their travels and interactions with people from different backgrounds.

Opportunity for Personal Growth

According to a report by Upwork, digital nomads reported increased creativity, personal growth, and fulfillment as a result of their lifestyle.

A study by the University of California found that travel and immersion in new cultures can lead to increased creativity and cognitive flexibility.

Digital nomadism may be a very satisfying and fulfilling way of life because it allows one to work remotely, fosters global knowledge and sensitivity, and provides opportunities for personal development and fulfillment. As an employer, it allows you to hire talent from anywhere in the world and to get more skilled and happier employees.

The Concerns with Digital Nomadism

Isolation and Loneliness

Due to the absence of a stable social network or group, digital nomads may experience feelings of isolation and loneliness. Finding social connections through coworking spaces, neighborhood gatherings, and online communities, however, can help with this.

Difficulty in Maintaining Work-Life Balance

Due to their continual movement and lack of regularity, digital nomads may find it challenging to maintain a healthy work-life balance. But this can be avoided by creating a regular work plan and drawing distinct lines between work and personal time. In order to preserve their well-being, digital nomads should prioritize self-care activities like exercise and meditation.

Potential for Burnout

Due to the demands of their continual travel and employment, digital nomads may be at danger of burnout. They can, however, develop a schedule that provides for relaxation and recuperation, such as scheduling routine downtime or taking time off in between trips.

While there are valid worries about the digital nomad lifestyle, many of these worries can be allayed by concentrating on the potential advantages and addressing any reservations or critiques inside your organization.


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic’s forced adoption of remote work and other flexible models, the trend toward more flexible work arrangements has increased. As workers demand more control over their schedules and working conditions, it is becoming more and more significant.

Traditional office-based work models frequently lack the kind of flexibility that these new methods of working do. People are frequently more motivated and engaged at work when they have greater control over their schedules and working conditions, which increases productivity. Also, a flexible work environment can lessen employee fatigue and enhance general well-being.

However, despite the many benefits of these new working methods, there are still certain difficulties. Many of these issues may be addressed with careful planning, communication, and the use of technological tools, and a work environment that promotes productivity and well-being for your staff.