Ein Mann genießt einen ruhigen Schlaf.

Getting enough sleep: this is why it’s so important for you


Getting enough sleep is essential for the body and mind. In today’s stressful times, it often comes too short. But to stay healthy, you shouldn’t miss out on a good night’s sleep. Here are 10 compelling reasons why you should get enough sleep.

10 reasons for getting enough sleep

1. Greater performance and improved ability to concentrate

Studies reveal that getting enough sleep has a positive effect on brain function. This includes:

  • Your ability to concentrate
  • Your performance
  • Your cognitive abilities
Eine Frau ließt über Schlaf Tipps.
Image of young smiling positive happy redhead woman indoors sitting at home reading book or magazine.

2. Better weight control

Poor sleep promotes obesity. Experts still disagree about the reasons for this. However, numerous studies reveal that there is a connection between obesity and lack of sleep. This may be because sleep-deprived people tend to eat more or drink more alcohol.

3. Optimised calorie regulation

If you sleep well at night, you usually consume fewer calories during the day. This is because sleep habits affect our hormonal balance, responsible for our appetite. Sleep deprivation can impair the body’s ability to regulate healthy food intake.

4. More performance in sports

Getting enough sleep has a positive effect on your athletic performance. According to some researchers, sleep is just as important for your training as the right diet. With enough sleep, you are not only better prepared for the workout, but your organism also regenerates particularly well during the hours of rest. All this leads directly to:

  • improved fitness
  • faster movements
  • increased motivation for physical activity
Ein Mann treibt Sport für ein besseren Schlaf
Young black man exercising in his house gym, doing push ups, side view, free space

5. Greater social and emotional intelligence

If you are sleep-deprived, your emotional intelligence decreases. You have a harder time interpreting the emotions and facial expressions of those around you. Lack of empathy often leads to social problems that can have drastic effects on your life.

6. A lower risk of heart disease

High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease. According to recent studies, if you get enough sleep, your blood pressure seems to regulate itself. This in turn can reduce the risk of developing relevant diseases such as apnoea. It also promotes overall heart health.

7. Less inflammation in the body

There is a clear link between getting enough sleep and minimising inflammation in the organism. Chronic sleep deprivation can provoke inflammatory bowel diseases and gastrointestinal problems. Ailments like these have a boomerang effect on sleep consumption by contributing to sleep deprivation.

8. Preventing depression

Psychiatrists and neurologists have long studied the effects of sleep deprivation on mental health. The unanimous result is that sleep deprivation can be the cause of depression. Many people who have committed suicide due to depression had suffered from sleep deprivation for years.

Ein Familie lacht und ist glücklich, weil sie ein guten Schlaf hatte.
Happy family having fun in the bedroom while they lie on bed

9. Strengthening the immune system

Sleep supports the body in its regeneration. It recovers. It is precisely this recovery effect that has a positive impact on the immune system. When you are rested, your body is more capable of fighting infections on its own. Further studies are pending to clarify the mechanisms of sleep on the body’s immune system.

10. A better memory

During sleep, your organism rests. However, the brain continues to work. It is busy processing and storing memories from the day. If you don’t sleep enough, this can affect your mind. The brain can even produce false memories.

How much sleep do you need?

There is no general rule about how much sleep you should get. This varies from person to person and depends on your age, among other things. These are therefore only rough recommendations:

  • Newborns: 14 to 17 hours
  • Children 4 to 12 months: 12 to 16 hours
  • Children 1 to 2 years: 11 to 14 hours
  • Children 3 to 5 years: 10 to 13 hours
  • Children 6 to 12 years: 9 to 12 hours
  • Teenagers 13 to 18 years: 8 to 10 hours
  • Adults 18 to 60 years: at least 7 hours
  • Adults 61 to 64 years: 7 to 9 hours
  • Adults older than 65 years: 7 to 8 hours

Usually, the need for sleep decreases with age. You will quickly notice if you are sleeping enough. If you don’t sleep enough or your sleep is interrupted, you won’t feel rested the next morning.

Ein Pärchen liegt im Schlaf
Senior man and woman sleeping. Senior man and woman resting with eyes closed. Mature couple sleeping together in their bed.

Ensuring a good night’s sleep

For a healthy life and stable mental well-being, it is essential to sleep sufficiently and well. You can influence this directly. Proven measures include not sleeping too long and going to bed at the same time every day. Exercise and outdoor activities also promote a good night’s sleep. Are your pre-sleep thoughts preventing you from falling asleep? Then turn them off by reducing stress. You can do this with yoga, autogenic training, and meditation, for example. We wish you a good night!

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