Eine Frau liegt im Bett während dem Schlaf

Better sleep: 10 valuable tips


You’ve certainly had a bad night’s sleep at least once. If this happens only rarely, it is not a big problem. The next day you may feel cranky, but the next night’s rest will make up for it. However, if you suffer from sleep deprivation in the long term, it can provoke physical and mental illness and increase your risk of obesity, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease. Here are 10 ultimate tips for better sleep.

1. Create the right sleeping conditions

Your bed, mattress, blanket and pillow should offer you the highest level of comfort and promote a healthy sleep. This not only prevents back pain, but also restless sleep. The duvet and pillow must fit your needs, too. Nothing should hinder or disturb your sleep. The right sleeping conditions also include the optimal bedroom temperature and pleasant lighting conditions. A temperature of 20 °C is recommended. Also, the room should be dark. Avoid blue light from your smartphone, which tricks your body into thinking it is daytime. A quiet environment should be the norm.

Ein Mann liegt im Schlaf.
top view of handsome man sleeping on bed in bedroom

2. Support your internal clock

You have an internal clock that is set to a biological rhythm of about 24 hours. This is also called the circadian rhythm. It influences your body and brain. When it works properly, this internal clock helps you stay awake during the day and sleep well at night. You can support your circadian rhythm smartly by consciously consuming natural sunlight during the day. This optimises your energy during the day and the quality of your sleep. You can even reduce the time it takes to fall asleep by 83%. The sun is not shining? Then invest a few euros in a daylight lamp.

3. Avoid long naps during the day

A short nap of up to 30 minutes can improve your brain performance. However, sleeping too long during the day can drastically affect the quality of your sleep at night. You irritate your internal clock and have a harder time falling asleep as well as staying asleep at night.

4. Fixed sleeping schedules

Your body’s circadian rhythm works in a fixed loop. It is based on sunrise and sunset. To improve the quality of your sleep, it helps to have fixed sleep and wake times. Regular sleep patterns make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night. So instead of staying up late on weekends, go to bed at about the same time as on weekdays. Then get up early the next day to enjoy your free time on Saturdays and Sundays.

Ein Frau liegt nach ihrem Schlaf zufrieden im Bett.
Happy woman lying in comfortable foam latex mattress bed in luxury hotel enjoying relax weekend getaway jumping in bed. Enjoying Asian woman with open arms in freedom.

5. Try melatonin

An important sleep hormone is melatonin. It tells your brain when to relax and go to bed. You can buy melatonin in tablet form at the pharmacy or drugstore to help you fall asleep. Taking as little as 2 mg before bedtime can greatly improve the quality of your sleep. There are no side effects or discontinuation symptoms. If you are unsure about taking melatonin, ask your family doctor for advice.

6. Use some little sleeping aids

There is a whole range of natural products that can support healthy sleep. Of course, these are neither magic remedies nor chemical cures. You should therefore combine them with the other tips for a good night’s sleep. And: Please don’t take all the remedies at once, but test which one works best for you.

  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Glycine
  • Valerian
  • Magnesium
  • L-theanine
  • Lavender
Eine Frau ließt ein Buch vor dem Schlaf
book, read, night, woman, tea, drink, relax, home, weekend, literature, novel

7. No late food

Avoid heavy food late at night. Otherwise, you may experience hormonal imbalances and gastrointestinal problems that affect your sleep. Light meals and snacks up to four hours before bedtime can however improve sleep quality. Whether they should include carbohydrates depends on your body. Test for yourself whether they are good for you before you go to bed.

8. Use relaxation techniques

It’s not always easy to clear your head of all the thoughts in the evening. You can use relaxation methods such as autogenic training to calm your mind. Even relaxing massages can switch off the mental ruminations. The same goes for relaxation music, incense, breathing exercises and a hot bath. Make your relaxation exercises a routine to get your mind and body in the mood for sleep.

9. Exercise during the day

Exercise during the day promotes a good night’s sleep. Late in the evening, on the other hand, you should refrain from exercise, as this can unnecessarily stimulate your circulation. Endurance sports are particularly helpful, but gymnastics and muscle training also tire the body. It is most efficient if you exercise outside.

Zwei Menschen machen Sport um ein besseren Schlaf zu haben.
Contemporary young active couple in sportswear doing planks on the floor in front of laptop while watching online workout

10. Relieve your bladder

Few things are more annoying than waking up at night to go to the restroom. In order to sleep peacefully through the night, you should therefore stop drinking around one to two hours before you go to bed. This also applies to alcoholic drinks, which some people use to help them fall asleep. However, appearances are deceptive, as alcohol tends to interfere with restful sleep.

With these 10 tips, your restful sleep is assured. Try them out to see what works for you and helps you fall asleep better and stay asleep through the night. Have a good rest!

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