Eine Frau gähnt, weil sie schlaflos geblieben ist.

In Winter Your Insomnia Can Worsen – 10 Tips for a Better Sleep


Winter has been known to lead to sleepless nights and insomnia. Why is that? In winter, days are shorter and darker: This may make you feel lethargic throughout the day. The lack of daylight hours can confuse your sleep/wake cycle. At night, it might be hard to fall asleep because of this prolonged feeling of slugginess. Your body just doesn’t feel it is time to go to bed.

Try to expose yourself to light in the morning and during lunchtime, maybe by walking in the fresh air for 10/15 minutes. Just 15-30 minutes of sun exposure early in your day will do wonders for your sleep/wake cycle and make it easier for you to sleep better at night.

But is this enough? We provide you with 10 additional tips on how to prevent insomnia naturally.

1. Wake up at the same time each day

It is tempting to sleep late on weekends, especially if you have had insufficient sleep during the week. However, if you suffer from insomnia, you should get up at the same time every day, training yourself to wake at a precise time each day, helping your system to find regularity.

Eine Person liegt im Bett und hält einen Wecker hoch. -Schlaflos

2. Make your sleeping environment comfortable

Pay attention to your room: is your bed comfortable? A good mattress is vital for good sleep. You spend a third of your life sleeping on your bed, and while the costs of a new bed may be worrying, it may be worth your while to get the best you can afford.

3. Use aromatherapy

Aromatherapy creates a calming and relaxing atmosphere, helping you to wind down to sleep. It could be part of a routine, indicating to your brain that it is almost time for bed. Lavender essential oil is well known for its relaxing properties: Use some drops in a diffuser or directly in your sheets.

Auf einem Tablett steht alles für eine Aromatherapie. -schlaflos

4. Avoid stimulants like alcohol and caffeine

Caffeine can last in your body for up to 24 hours, so it may not only cause difficulty initiating sleep but also repeated awakenings. Alcohol can have a sedative effect for the first few hours after consumption, but it can lead to a non-restful night’s sleep.

5. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise can improve sleep quality and duration. Training shortly before bed should be avoided, as it can also have a stimulant effect, as sports activity produces endorphins. Stop training at least 3 hours before going to bed to maximize the benefits of exercising for a good night of rest.

6. Limit naps

Napping might seem a smart way to catch up on missed sleep, but it can affect the quality of nighttime rest. Establishing and maintaining a regular sleep pattern by training to associate sleep with darkness is equally important as maintaining a consistent bedtime.

7. Limit activities in bed

Your bedroom isn’t your gym, office, or playroom. To begin associating it with sleep, you need to get rid of all potential distractions. Get rid of TV, computers, laptops or tablets, gym tools, and everything that’s not belonging to the sleeping area. Having your bedroom as the place to go for other activities only leads to your brain associating the room with other things, making it difficult for it to shut down.

Eine Frau ist schlaflos im Bett am Handy.

8. Keep it dark

The best sleep suggestion is to eliminate all lights possible. Remove any nightlights, get curtains or blinds to eliminate outside illumination and if necessary, wear a sleeping mask. Flip your cellphone over when sleeping, screen-side down: Many phones light up when there’s an incoming text, and this may distract or wake you from sleep.

9. Keep an optimal temperature

A cool sleep environment makes it easier for the body to relax. The optimal temperature is between 18° and 22° degrees. Sleeping on linens made of natural, breathable fibers, like cotton or bamboo, can also help regulate your body temperature. Avoid synthetic materials like polyester that retain moisture and heat.

10. Meditate

Nighttime is when all concerns, doubts, and negative feelings wake up, keeping you sleepless, thinking about how to solve them. Meditation is a powerful tool to drive your mind to different sets of thoughts, calming you down and supporting you for better sleep.

Ein Mann meditiert damit er nicht mehr schlaflos ist.

Not getting enough sleep can be a risk to your overall health. Quality rest helps improve cognitive function, cardiovascular health, and personal performance.

In the Humanoo App, you can find a wide range of programs and exercises to improve your sleep. Do something good for your sleeping routine and give it a try. It’s proven, people who experience quality rest live happier and healthier lives!

Your Humanoo Team